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Benvolguda Greta:

Una altra vegada tornem a tenir l'honor de tenir noticies teves en una cimera sobre el tan anomenat Canvi Climàtic. A parer meu, crec, que totes aquestes cimeres no venen a dur-se a terme per fer minvar les emissions de CO2 als governs mundials ni tampoc que facin aturar les seves economies depenents al 100% dels combustibles fòssils, com per exemple la arribada massiva de turistes cap al lloc on jo visc, a Mallorca. Personalment, crec que el mal ja està fet. I no ho dic perquè vulgui ésser pessimista ni vegi una solució ràpida al escalfament global. Crec que es fan per fer-nos entendre a la resta de la població mundial que ens hem d'adaptar, que ens preparem pel que vindrà. Aquestes cimeres s'haurien d'anomenar així: Cimera per a l'adaptació al Canvi Climàtic. És com si volguessin dir-nos que això ja no té volta enrere, que és impossible fer complir o si o si als governs que facin reduir les emissions, ni deixin de fabricar més plàstic que acabi finalment formant illes enmig dels oceans...

Tens molt de mèrit i coratge i ets un exemple per milions d'adolescents i no adolescents arreu del món que han entès el teu missatge ecològic. No tots els joves de la teva edat tenen l'agosarament de creuar l'Oceà Atlàntic en un vaixell que no empra benzina i amb només el menjar just per a dues setmanes fins arribar a Nova York per fer empegueir als qui comanden dient-los quatre veritats a la cara davant tot el món. Ni crec tampoc que molts de pares, almanco els qui jo conec per aquí, permetrien fer-ho als seus fills. Ho considerarien com una autèntica bogeria que posaria en perill les seves vides. I aquí crec que és on ens ensopeguem amb la preocupant i patètica manca de visió en perspectiva que agreuja a la nostra societat. Ens cal pensar molt més en el futur tan incert que afrontem. La teva tasca és cabdal per ajudar-nos un poc més a assolir-ho.

Crec que emprens aquesta lluita per què tens visió de futur. Has deixat de banda els teus estudis per tal de fer-nos veure  tot allò que ens espera. No crec que ningú t'hagi entaforat a la teva ment per què ho duguis a terme. Has estat tu mateixa i la visió que tens del món que t'empeny a dur-ho endavant. Els genis comencen així, sentint curiositat per tot i demanant-se el per què de les coses. Tots aquests que xerren malament de tu, que t'insulten i t'amenacen no crec que ho facin amb sentit personal, ho fan per allò que representes i el que pot esdevenir si ho continues fent d'aquesta manera. Ets dona, i aquest motiu ja és suficient per ells. El que de veritat els hi fa por, allò del que realment estan atemorits és de que hagi més adolescents com tu. Adolescents que els interessi el medi ambient i entenguin lo fràgil que és en el món on vivim. Perquè el medi ambient no només és una vessant ecològica, és sobretot allò que tenim per viure en tots els aspectes de les nostres vides. Ja ho vares dir ben bé l'any passat: "...Com vos atreviu?..."Són els mateixos que neguen la violència contra les dones, són els mateixos que s'oposen a qualsevol govern o iniciativa que posi en dubte o qüestionin els seus obscurs i perillosos interessos. Perquè si t'acusen que darrera teu hi ha qualcú que t'explota amb obscurs interessos demana't també quins interessos hi ha darrera aquests que t'insulten i fan befa de tu. Que no tingueu consciència, diria jo.

 Tots els de la teva generació esteu en un moment cabdal per a quan sigueu adults. Cap corporació, cap multinacional, cap govern, cap polític ni cap moviment social vos assegurarà el vostre futur. Sou vosaltres mateixos que ho assolireu amb iniciatives i accions com la teva. Sou el futur, ets el futur allà on milers de joves s'hi haurien de mirar cada dia. Per que si és vera que les generacions futures viureu pitjor que les d'avui no dubtis que la teva tasca és cabdal per a crear noves realitats. No ho oblideu mai.

 Una abraçada des de Mallorca.



A continuació he escrit una carta en anglès. No és texte que acabau de llegir per que primer l'he escrita en angles, emperò és el mateix rerefons. Pot ser, que si per casualitat arriba a llegir aquesta carta, ho tingui un poquet més fàcil.


"How dare you! […] We are at the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

Dear Greta Thumberg:

I introduce myself as a victim of the climate change and it's quite a honour for me to address my open letter to you over this issue. Since not every sixteen year old has the guts to cross the Atlantic on a petrol-free sailing boat with no toilets and scarce food. It is easy to make fun of you and your famous “how dare you” speech at the New York conference, but yet again, few people would have the guts to call out with tear stained eyes the dollar-crazed ruling political class in front of the world.


First of all i want to make myself clear what i really mean considering myself a victim of the climate change.


I'm living in small island called Mallorca, in the country you're now on, which receives milions of visitors every year, especially in summer season. A sheer bulk of these visitors come from the Scandinavian Lands like your nice and beloved country, Sweden, and all this visitors account for what we would call dear tourists. Tourists that whether we like or not make up our industry which always has been the making of the most of us, as indivuduals in every matter of our lives, since they're our very livelihood.


A good deal of the emergency measures that all the political leaders and their respective delegations will bring forward to attenuate the so-called CO2 emissions will consist, above all, in cutting emissions, but emissions from where, i wonder.


Four years ago this month, almost two hundred nations agreed to “determine, plan, and regularly report” on the contribution each of them is undertaking to attenuate the effects of global warming. Moreover, one of the main goals of the agreement was “to keep global temperature rise this century to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels” –while it also called for urgent efforts to limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.  As the time goes by i realise that my island is a plain example of what such proposals and measures have to square it with the touristic industry first. It's impossible to rush an ecological law through if we don't ponder over the serious aftermaths that would fall on all of us, just for living in an island depending on tourism.

Our fragile pine woods, for instance, especially in the coastal areas where i'm living are undergoing an awful human pressure. They are going through a withering process that is increasingly accelerating. They use to be thronged every summer since to get at the beach from the town they have to go throughout it throwing plastic items such as bottles and bags on their way to. The very touristic industry constantly threaten us that if tourists don't come massively to the island it will mean that everything on the island will come unstuck and they work on such basis. On listening some of the denier's statements it comes to my mind that their ideas and opinions are much better kick them into touch, since theirs are stiffling remarks that in a normal or democratic persons simply don't go for it. Unfortunately, this is not like a kids football match where the team loses in the last minute because of a defender’s own goal and teammates solely blame the defender for the loss –Trump won’t be the only one to blame for the defeat against climate change. (Pulling out of the Paris agreement was in effect scoring an own goal in the last minute). In order to be vanquished, or merely contained, climate change must be fought collectively as the global challenge it is.

That's the new political panorama we are going to face. It is like a policy of appeasement, in other words.


It's really a core issue but let's bear in mind, for a while, that all the measures, solutions and laws that you're calling for in front of the world leading personalities and experts on the climate change crisis in the summit to reduce the global warming effects and create a much brighter future for your generation would eventually rush through.

Let's think that at the Parliaments all over the world such measures are currently being dealt with and debated quickly, as soon as possible, as though it was a social emergency that cannot stand any longer, as it ought to be. I can assure you that it would be like a real turmoil, at least here in Mallorca. The bankruptcy, last September, of the oldest travel agency in the world, Thomas Cook, was held out for a rethink on how we shouldn't be doubting any more about our tourists coming to the island. At a time of turmoil where our very survival is at stake, it is crucial to raise social alert and awareness of just the scale of the catastrophe we’re about to face. It is fair to say that without you, the world would probably still be asleep on the climate issue, especially teenagers. Now that it has half-woken up, it needs to stand up and do something. The fact that the present political class is unprepared to deal with such an unprecedented climate issue clearly does nothing to help –but that doesn’t mean the battle is over. We need a political class obsessed in taking on the entire fossil-fuel lobby and greedy corporations. We all know what has to be done, so why aren’t our governments doing everything they can? Our planet will be fine, it’s us who will be the worse off.